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Skull Base Surgery

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Marcus Stephens, MD Neurosurgery

Spotlight on Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Fellow Marcus Stephens MD

Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Winter 2023

Rhinology medical illustration

An Update from the Rhinology and Skull Base Division

With a focus on strategic growth and innovative care delivery, the Rhinology and Skull Base Division continues to experience rising patient demand - Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Fall 2021


Answering the Call

UH Otology Program expands services for patients with disabling hearing loss and related issues - Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2021

Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosis image

Individualizing Treatment of Skull Base Disorders

UH Institutes collaborate for multidisciplinary skull base program - Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Fall 2020

University Hospitals' Nicolas Bambakidis, MD elected as President-Elect of the CNS

UH News Release

Collaborative Approach Leads to Better Treatment, Outcomes for Tumors of the Skull Base

UH Neurological Institute | January 2017

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