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Pediatric Orthopaedics

Showing   of 27 results

Child sleeping in Providence sleeping brace Photo Credit: Spinal Technology, LLC

Children with Scoliosis Benefit from Night Time Bracing Offered at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

Study provides precise counseling for patients and their families - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2024

Michael Glotzbecker, MD

UH Rainbow Pediatric Orthopaedics Division Chief Report from Michael P. Glotzbecker MD

Rainbow Orthopaedic Update | Winter 2024

George Thompson, MD with Portrait from Ceremony

Honoring George H. Thompson, MD and His Leadership

Rainbow Orthopaedic Update | Winter 2024

Michael Glotzbecker, MD

UH Rainbow Orthopaedic Surgery Chief Heals Both Bones and Staffing Schedules

UH Clinical Update | August 2023

Michael Glotzbecker, MD

Pediatric Orthopaedic Division Chief Report Winter 2023

Pediatric Orthopaedic Update | Winter 2023

UH Rainbow Pediatric Orthopaedic Faculty Publications 2023

Pediatric Orthopaedic Update | Winter 2023

ACL tear illustration

Delayed ACL Surgery Appears to Increase Future Injury Risk in Young Athletes

Innovations in Orthopaedics | Summer 2022

Michael Glotzbecker, MD using pulse technology in peds ortho spine surgery

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital First in the World to use the Pulse Platform for Pediatric Spine Surgery

Advanced technology designed to make spine surgery safer, faster, and smarter

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