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Pediatric Infectious Disease

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Long haul COVID illustration

Long COVID Clinic at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Serves the Forgotten Patients of the Pandemic

Approach is holistic, attracting national attention - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2022

Ankita Desai, MD, Pediatric Infectious Disease

The Right Dose, at the Right Time, for the Right Duration

Ankita Desai, MD, New Division Chief of Pediatric Infectious Disease and a recent “Dinner with the Doc” winner, has led the UH Rainbow Antimicrobial Stewardship Program to national recognition - UH Clinical Update | October 2021

UH Rainbow Responds to COVID-19 with Innovation and Evidence-Based Thinking

Collaboration is the common element - Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2020

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Leading Statewide Efforts to Diagnose and Treat Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

The hospital reports an increase in COVID-19 and asymptomatic patients - Pediatric Clinical Update | June 2020

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