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Innovations In Pediatrics Fall 2020

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Max Wiznitzer, MD

A Roadmap for Successful Intervention in Autism

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's neurologist co-author of paper in Lancet Neurology | Fall 2020

New Facilities, Leading-Edge Research Enhance Hem/Onc Care at UH Rainbow

Physician-scientists shepherding several promising projects from bench to bedside - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2020

Pediatric asthma

Half of Kids and Teens with Severe Asthma May Grow Out of It with Proper Treatment, Study Suggests

Study is first in NIH-funded Severe Asthma Research Program to follow patients over time - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2020

How Does COVID-19 Affect Children?

Researchers at UH Rainbow involved in local, national and global efforts to further understanding - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2020

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