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Innovations in Ear Nose and Throat Winter 2022

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Example processed BOS image of jet ventilation on a manikin

NIH Trailblazer R21 Award Seeks to Mitigate Exposure to Aerosol-Generating Procedures

The coronavirus pandemic has heightened concerns over exposure risk resulting from aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) - Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2022

University Hospitals Ear Nose & Throat Institute Participates in $17 Million Post-COVID Study

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2022

White noise earing concept for Cochlear Implant

University Hospitals Cochlear Implant Center Designated a Center of Excellence

One of the nation’s 10 largest implant centers, the world-class program continues to lead the way in providing patient-centered, value-based care - Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2022

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