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Innovations In Digestive Health | Fall 2019

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Fall 2019 Digestive Health Institute Update

A Message from John Dumot, DO - Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2019

Colorectal Surgery Success

For common or complex colorectal surgery, choose a specialist - Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2019

Division of Thoracic & Esophageal Surgery Receives Highest Mark for Quality Outcomes

A top-notch surgical team - Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2019

EsoCheck Receives 510(k) Clearance

New Barrett's esophagus screening method provides minimally invasive endoscopy alternative - Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2019

UH Digestive Health Team Establishes High Reliability Medicine Initiative for GI Bleeding

Highly Reliable CareUH - Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2019

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