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Innovations In Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

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iSCAD Registry Aims to Accelerate Research

University Hospitals is one of nine national registry sites - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

3D Models Inform Presurgical Planning for VAD Placement

University Hospitals participates in international study to improve outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease and heart failure - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

Novel Endovascular Procedure for Hemodialysis Access

University Hospitals among first in Ohio to utilize innovative technique - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

A Full Spectrum of Options for Mitral Valve Disease

Experts at University Hospitals offer advanced, minimally invasive treatments - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

Increasing Options for Life-Saving Care: Focus on Multidisciplinary Cardiogenic Shock Team at UH

Record number of heart and lung transplants performed at University Hospitals in 2019 - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Winter 2020

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