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Innovations In Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Summer 2018

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Endarterectomy-Supported Arterial Revascularization

Offering hope to patients with severe coronary disease Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery - Summer 2018  Joseph F. Sabik, MD Today’s candidates for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) often present with severe cardiac artery...

Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation May Preclude an ICD for Primary Prevention in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure, UH Study Shows

A conversation with Mauricio Arruda, MD, Director of the Electrophysiology Center at UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery - Summer 2018  Mauricio Arruda, MD Q: Dr. Arruda, the CASTLE-AF trial,...

UH Rainbow First in the U.S. to Implant Smartphone-enabled Cardiac Monitor in a Pediatric Patient

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Innovations – Summer 2018 Chris Snyder, MD Unexplained syncopal episodes and sporadic heart arrhythmias are a challenge for pediatric electrophysiologists. Parents and their children are anxious for answers, which...

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