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Innovations in Cancer Winter 2023

Showing   of 4 results

Liver cancer illustration

New Treatment Option Emerges for Rare Form of Liver Bile Duct Cancer

Discovery published in the New England Journal of Medicine and includes University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center researchers - Innovations in Cancer | Winter 2023

Pancreatic Cancer illustration

UH Seidman Cancer Center Researchers Participate in trial of Newly FDA Approved Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Drug in Rare Form of Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Innovations in Cancer | Winter 2023

UH Seidman Cancer Center Welcomes 29 New Physicians to our Team

Innovations in Cancer | Winter 2023

Radiotherpay cell illustration

Novel Clinical Trial to Test Combining Successful Drugs for Metastatic Breast Cancer with Radiation Therapy to Treat Women with Less Severe Disease

Project at UH Seidman Cancer Center part of first-ever SPORE grant awarded by the NIH for radiotherapy-UH Clinical Update | December 2022

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