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Innovations in Cancer Summer 2022

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Getty image Kidney illustration

UH Seidman Cancer Center Leads the Way in Growing Specialty of Onco-Nephrology

Arash Rashidi, MD, is founding member of new national organization promoting research and patient care - Innovations in Cancer | Summer 2022

CAR T illustration

Novel Strategy to Improve CAR T-cell Efficacy in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Revealed in Preclinical Studies

University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center researchers part of team finding blocking a single receptor may combat T cell dysfunction associated with poor response to therapy - Innovations in Cancer | Summer 2022


Existing Cancer Therapy in Narrow Use Shows Significant Activity against Other Cancers

University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University Research team publishes new findings in Nature Cancer - Innovations in Cancer | Summer 2022

University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center at ASCO 2022

Innovations in Cancer | Summer 2022

UH Seidman Team First to Validate PREDICT Survival Prognostication Tool in American Women with Breast Cancer

Online tool can help facilitate complex treatment decision-making in women with early-stage disease - Innovations in Cancer | Summer 2022

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