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Innovations In Cancer | Spring 2017

Showing   of 5 results

MATCH Clinical Trial Targets Genetic Pathways of Tumors

UH Seidman Cancer Center one of leading centers for NCI-sponsored trial - Innovations in Cancer | Spring 2017

Emerging Enzyme

Testing under way of small molecule that may block many disease pathways - Innovations in Pediatrics | Spring 2017

Descriptive Data

Magnetic resonance fingerprinting technology developed in Cleveland shows promise in adult brain tumors - Innovations in Cancer | Spring 2017

Intraosseous Co-Transplantation Shows Better Engraftment in Stem Cell Transplant

Results of study lead to first-of-its-kind Phase I clinical trial at UH Seidman Cancer Center - Innovations in Cancer | Spring 2017

Understanding the “Aspirin Gene”

New $6.7 million NIH grant seeks to identify genetic pathways for preventing and treating colon cancer - Innovations in Cancer | Spring 2017

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