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Innovations In Cancer |Fall 2020

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UH Seidman Cancer Center Opens New Trial with PVSRIPO, a Viral-based Immunotherapy in Combination with Pembrolizumab for Patients with Recurrent GBM

The two therapies may be able to generate a potent and specific anti-tumor response in rGBM patients, given their different but complimentary mechanisms of action - Innovations in Cancer | Fall 2020

Neck cancer illustration

Understanding Racial Disparities in Head and Neck Cancer

Study from UH Seidman Cancer Center suggests biological differences in tumors between African-Americans and European-Americans driving differences in outcomes - Innovations in Cancer | Fall 2020

UH Seidman Cancer Center Leads $7.3 Million Multi-Site Trial of Relapse Prevention in ALL

Survival at one year post-stem cell transplant is 100% - Innovations in Cancer | Fall 2020

CAR T cells

More Specific Approach to CAR T Cell Therapy Shows Promise for B Cell Cancers

Investigational New Drug (IND) authorization is under way - Innovations in Cancer | Fall 2020

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