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MR Fingerprinting

Interprofessional Synergy: Transforming Radiology with MR Fingerprinting

Chaitra Badve, MD and Dan Ma, PhD discuss the collaborative relationship aimed to develop and use MR fingerprinting to transform clinical care.

Radiology image

What Else Is In That Scan? UH Radiologists Capturing and Troubleshooting Unexpected Images

UH Clinical Update | November 2023


Transforming Patient Outcomes through Radiology Partnerships and AI Solutions

Leonardo Kayat Bittencourt, MD, discusses how the UH RadiCLE is collaborating with innovative teams to use AI application to investigate clinical practices in hope of bringing new solutions to improve patient care and outcomes.

Watchman FLX product illustration

Innovation and Procedural Success with LAAC Advanced Imaging

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Summer 2023

OGGYN Imaging Center

University Hospitals Launches Advanced Gynecologic Imaging Unit

Innovations in Obstetrics & Gynecology | Fall 2022

Select2 Clinical Trial scan image for Innovations Summer 2022 article

Global SELECT2 Clinical Trial Studies Endovascular Thrombectomy in Large Core Infarct Patients

Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Summer 2022

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