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Getty image depicting Centers of Excellence

“Excellence” Model at UH Expanding to Managing Chronic Conditions

UH Clinical Update | July 2023

Wayne Cohen-Levy, MD, Orthopaedics

Wayne Cohen-Levy, MD, MSc, Extends UH's Expertise in Hip and Knee Replacement

Innovations in Orthopaedics | Winter 2022

Total Joint Replacement Program Remains on Top through Innovation

Outpatient procedures, Centers of Excellence status help meet demands of employers and insurers alike - Innovations in Orthopaedics | Winter 2021

Excellence in Joint Replacement

UH joint replacement program controls costs while enhancing quality and value - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

Curtailing Complications

Hip arthroscopy innovation now employed at UH represents paradigm shift for the surgery UH Clinical Update - July 2018    Michael Salata, MD Orthopaedic surgeons at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio, are the first in Northeast Ohio to...

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