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Cardiovascular prevention

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Cardiovascular Disease human body illustration

Harnessing Epidemiologic Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Innovations in Urology | Fall 2022

Sadeer Al-Kindi, MD

Primary Care Physicians Play an Important Role in Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease – and Reducing Disparities

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Update | August 2022

Sleep apnea illustration

Sleep, Obesity and Cardiovascular Health

UH physicians seek new ways to intervene and prevent obstructive sleep apnea - Innovations in Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine | September 2021

Why Your Patient Would Benefit from Seeing a Preventive Cardiologist

New Center for Cardiovascular Prevention at UH offers specific expertise in managing high-risk patients - UH Clinical Update | April 2021

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