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UH Community Surgeon Finds Many Ways to Serve


UH Clinical Update | March 2023

Until 2022, Amitabh Goel, MD, was the Chief Medical Officer for UH Geneva and Conneaut Medical Centers for more than 15 years.

Amitabh Goel,MDAmitabh Goel, MD

During that time, he also provided patient care as the single full-time surgeon to the UH Ashtabula community, caring for patients continuously for many weeks in a row, with little if any time off. He was – and is – known for his passion for excellence in quality and value, his strong operational focus and his compassion for patients.

So it should not have been surprising that when he decided to transition away from the role as CMO, his consideration for the impact on the two hospitals was paramount.

This led him to give one year’s notice, says Marlea A. Miano, MD, the Chief Medical Officer for UH Geauga Medical Center. “He knew there would be challenges finding his successor and wanted to ensure that leadership had enough time to recruit and vet a strong candidate for the two easterly hospitals in the system,” says Dr. Miano.

This was among the reasons she nominated him for a Cliff Appreciates “Dinner with the Doc” award, citing his commitment to value and for advancing systemness.

Another unusual part of this transition is that Dr. Goel did not resign, leave the system or retire but has stayed on as a surgeon to continue to care for patients, and to serve as a mentor and guide for the new CMO, says Dr. Miano.

“He also met with general surgery regional and system leadership to discuss strategy for maintaining surgical services to the UH Ashtabula community,” she says. “He communicated his plans with other surgeons in the East Market to limit gaps in care. This transparency fostered a smooth transition.”

Amitabh Goel, MD with surgical staffPictured: Dr. Goel (far right) with surgical staff.

But Dr. Goel has many other professional and personal qualities that his colleagues, such as Jason Glowczewski, the Chief Operating Officer of UH Conneaut, Geneva and Geauga medical centers, mention when they speak of him. Those include his thoughtful and informative communication with patients, and his respect and empathy for them and for his colleagues.

“His patient experience scores were in the 99th percentile,” he says. “He is beloved by them.

“And he has been not just a mentor to our new CMO, but to a lot of staff in the OR. He is always teaching formally and informally, sharing his knowledge and helping the hospitals advance – he is still so passionate and caring about the success of the hospitals.”

Dr. Goel remains committed to UH and the region. “I want to continue to support UH in its goal to provide high value, Zero Harm and compassionate care, and I want to continue to make direct contributions to societal needs.”

Congratulations to Dr. Goel on his “Dinner with the Doc” honor.

To nominate a physician for this honor, please visit the UH Digital Workplace. The next deadline is March 31.
