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New Effort Based at UH Rainbow Improves Pediatric Preparedness for Health Threats


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Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2022

The $48 million effort headed by UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital to establish a Regional Pediatric Pandemic Network is quickly paying off for children and families in the Midwest region.

The effort funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is led by Charles G. Macias, MD, MPH, Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Chief Quality Officer at UH Rainbow, and it supports the planning and preparation of child healthcare facilities to respond to global health threats, including pandemics, and support communities in everyday pediatric readiness.

Charles Macias, MD consulting in pediatric ERCharles G. Macias, MD, MPH, consulting in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Region V for Kids, an ASPR-funded Pediatric Disaster Center of Excellence, is led by Deanna Dahl Grove, MD, Pediatric Emergency Medicine.  In the past three years, they have shown the reach and impact of the network, helping vulnerable children and their families prepare for disaster incidents with tools like this:

The Be Ready: Tips for Families of Children and Youth with Disabilities and Medical Needs Toolkit offers a suite of multi-language infographics and just-in-time ADA compliant videos that are available via the website link and YouTube.

The Disaster and Families of Children with Disabilities: What Every Health Care Provider Needs to Know Toolkit consists of a four-minute video, infographic and provider teaching checklist.

Contributing Experts:
Charles G. Macias, MD, MPH
Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Deanna Dahl Grove, MD
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
