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Notable Number of Physicians in UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Awarded Endowed Chair or Master Clinician


Positions boost clinical care, research, recruiting, quality outcomes for patients

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Summer 2022

Quality in healthcare is in many ways a matter of metrics, data points showing improved clinical status among patients or reduced complications. The numbers tell the story. So it is with the quality of the University Hospitals (UH) Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute. The instructive data point here? 15. That’s the number of positions for physicians within the Institute designated as endowed chair of master clinician – among the highest within the UH system.

“The strong momentum in gifts to establish these positions really speaks to the team we have here in the UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute,” says Institute President Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD, who also holds the Angela and James Hambrick Chair in Innovation. “It speaks to the culture of compassion, scientific rigor, research and innovation within the Institute and what our physicians deliver on a daily basis. They have impressed grateful patients who want to invest in them and support them on their career path to innovate and provide excellent care to patients in Northeast Ohio.”

Having such a large cadre of endowed chairs and master clinicians is also a boon for recruiting the best and brightest young clinicians to UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, Dr. Shishehbor says, which likewise boosts quality outcomes.

“Obviously, this helps us to recruit more physicians because people want to be on the right team,” he says. “When folks see that we invest in our physicians and our community invests in our physicians, they want to be part of this team too.”

As he reflects on the achievements of the physicians who hold the position of endowed chair or master clinician within UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, Dr. Shishehbor says he believes the best is yet to come from these accomplished clinical leaders.

Yasir Abu-Omar, MD, DPhil 

Yasir Abu-Omar, MD, DPhil

Russ & Connie Lincoln Chair in Cardiovascular Innovation

Mauricio Arruda, MD 

Mauricio Arruda, MD

John R. Antonucci Master Clinician of Cardiovascular Innovation

Guilherme Attizzani, MD 

Guilherme Attizzani, MD

Alexander and Marianna McAfee Chair in Innovative Cardiac Interventions

Jae Cho, MD 

Jae Cho, MD

Brenda and Marshall Brown Master Clinician in Vascular Innovation

Barry Effron, MD UH Cardiology 

Barry Effron, MD

Figgie Family Clinical Chair in Cardiovascular Excellence

Heather Gornik, MD 

Heather Gornik, MD

John B. Lally Family Master Clinician in Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Vascular Care

Anjan Gupta, MD 

Anjan Gupta, MD

Heisler Family - A. Roger Tsai, MD, Master Clinician in Cardiology

Judith Mackall, MD UH Cardiology 

Judith Mackall, MD

Irving B. and Virginia Spitz Master Clinician in Cardiology

Alan Morkowitz, MD 

Alan Markowitz, MD

Marcell "Dolly" Haugh Chair in Valvular Surgery

Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD 

Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD

Herman K. Hellerstein, MD, Chair in Cardiovascular Research

Ravi Ramani, MD 

Ravi Ramani, MD

Lorraine and Bill Dodero Chair in Heart Failure & Transplantation

Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, PhD,Cardiology 

Mehdi H. Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD

Angela and James Hambrick Chair in Innovation

Jonathan Stamler, MD UH Cardiology 

Jonathan Stamler, MD

Robert S. & Sylvia K. Reitman Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Innovation


  • Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. Chair and Distinguished Scientists in Cardiovascular Research
  • Alan H. Markowitz, MD Chair for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery