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New and Improved Podiatry Residency Program at University Hospitals in Cleveland


UH Research & Education Update | January 2022

Craig Frey, DPM, joined University Hospitals in 2021 as Director of Podiatric Medical and Surgical Services, Fellowship Program Director of UH Regional Hospitals Bedford Campus, and Program Director of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, UH Regional Hospitals Richmond Campus.

Craig Frey, DPMCraig Frey, MD

Over the past year, Dr. Frey implemented several new approaches that drastically improved the overall quality of the Podiatry Residency Program. First, he started by building a better relationship with Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine at Kent State University, the only local podiatry school program, through the active engagement of trainees, faculty, and management team. Then, in collaboration with Dr. James Voos, Chair of Orthopedic Surgery, Dr. Frey transferred to the Department of Podiatry to fall under the Department of Orthopedics. This transition provides trainees additional clinical rotation opportunities to orth-trauma, emergency medicine, and sports medicine. A plastic surgery rotation will also soon be added to the program. In addition, Dr. Frey worked with system leadership to expand the number of preceptors by adding seven nationally-recognized faculty who engage trainees in quality training.

Historically, UH offered six Podiatry Residents positions and often would only receive unmatched candidates. Last year, under the new leadership, the Department of Podiatry matched all six openings. Dr. Frey is optimistic that the program will match nine residents in the next cycle with the recent acquisition of St. Vincent Charity Hospitals' three candidates.

Looking forward, Dr. Frey plans to continue to enhance the program's quality by offering clinical rotation in more specialty areas, encouraging trainees to involve in research, and participating in integrated national learning from national leaders in podiatric medicine through virtually streamed didactics.

Learn more about the Podiatry Residency Program >
