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Bionutrition Resources


UH Research & Education Update | March 2021

By William Bauza, Manager, Center for Clinical Research


Did you know the Clinical Research Center Dahms Clinical Research Unit (DCRU) has a Bionutrition Research Core (BRC)?  Under the direction of Grace McComsey, MD, the BRC has a call-center for collecting dietary intake using research quality, gold-standard nutrition software (NDSR), a body-composition suite that includes a research-dedicated DXA machine (Hologic Horizon A model), and a metabolic weighing station reserved solely for weighing and measuring research meals and components. The BRC team consists of 4 full-time employees, including a registered dietitian who is available for inpatient and out-patient needs, and on-site or remote data collection. With almost 110 years of collective experience in clinical nutrition research, the BRC team has an impeccable track record of accurate and complete data collection.

The BRC team offers the following services:

  • Dietary assessment and methodology
  • Assistance in protocol development and manuscript preparation
  • Weight management and lifestyle coaching for intervention studies
  • Body composition assessment using DXA or skinfold thickness methodology (including neonates)
  • Body composition assessment and methodology training for research teams

These nutrition-related resources and services available through the DCRU and the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative (CTSC), a collaborative research effort among Case Western Reserve University and its community hospitals, are truly one-of-a-kind in the area and also align with the NIH nutrition research’s strategic plan.

The Bionutrition Research Core team and all of their resources are located in UH DCRU on Lakeside 65. To learn more about BRC resources, schedule a tour, free consult, or pricing information, email Alicia Thomas at Alicia.Thomas@UHhospitals.org or visit the Dahms Clinical Research Unit website.
