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Treatment That Destroys Tumors Without Surgery Available at UH St. John


Leading-edge technology available in Westlake for the convenience of West side patients

UH Clinical Update | Winter 2021

University Hospitals is committed to serving our community by providing leading-edge treatments with the personalized, compassionate care for which UH is known. For the convenience of patients in our west region, a latest generation cancer treatment is available not only at UH Cleveland Medical Center, but also at UH St. John Medical Center in Westlake.

Microwave Ablation Technology – Minimally Invasive Outpatient Procedure

Microwave Ablation (MWA) technology by NeuWave Medical® uses the narrowest incision probes and the highest-powered microwave system on the market. This industry-leading technique destroys tumors in sensitive tissues including the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

As a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, the innovative MWA system treats even the smallest lesions or nodules in the most challenging locations. Additionally, it can be performed with conscious sedation or general anesthesia in less than an hour or two; and the average patient goes home the same day.

Prior to MWA, patients would typically be required to undergo a radiofrequency ablation procedure. While the radiofrequency procedure can take up to four hours, the MWA can be performed much faster. Following a MWA procedure, patients can make a full recovery in just three or four days, rather than three or four weeks after a radiofrequency ablation.

Technology Available at UH St. John

At UH St. John Medical Center, MWA is utilized by Interventional Radiologist William Pedersen, MD, and standing Interventional Radiologist Mohammed Al-Natour, MD. Both physicians use this treatment to perform customized ablations based on the patient’s unique needs, whether utilizing a multi-probe approach for large tumors, or a ‘precision’ probe for small, focal ablations.

Dr. Pedersen and Dr. Al-Natour both specialize in vascular and interventional radiology. They take pride in offering a broad range of radiology services, including diagnostic and interventional procedures.

“We feel very fortunate that our patients have access to this advanced cancer treatment,” said Dr. Pedersen. “The same technology utilized at our nation’s top academic and research institutions is also offered right here at UH St. John Medical Center.”
