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UH CRC Develops COVID-19 Biorepository to Facilitate Research


By Rebecca Weintraub, Clinical Research Specialist II

UH Research & Education Update | July 2020

Under the leadership and oversight of Grace McComsey, MD, Vice President, Research, the UH Clinical Research Center (UHCRC) has developed an IRB-approved centralized biorepository to facilitate COVID-19 research initiatives across our institution.

Grace McComsey, MD Grace McComsey, MD

The UH COVID-19 Biorepository goal is to provide rich centralized storage of biological specimens and clinical data for UH investigators with hypothesis-driven, scientifically sound projects aimed at advancing our understanding of COVID-19 and its health consequences. The UHCRC implemented the centralized biorepository to:

Ensure patient safety, privacy, and compliance by having a centralized approach so that multiple researchers are not approaching the same patients for samples.

  • Increase collaboration among UH investigators to reduce redundancy and to also avoid competing for trials.
  • Preserve access to samples so each investigator will have an opportunity to access resources, samples, and data to support their COVID-19 initiatives.
  • Investigators are encouraged to submit proposals to utilize the COVID-19 data and samples during protocol development so that the governing committee can evaluate the project.

There is a modest cost associated with the use of data and samples to help cover the resources required to obtain and store data and samples. Investigators will receive a quote upon committee review.

Once the proposal is approved, investigators must submit their proposal for IRB approval.

Contact the UH IRB Administration Office at 216-844-1529 or Email: UHIRB@UHhospitals.org to request the Expedited IRB Approval Form.
