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New UH Cardiac Electrophysiologist Offers Complex Ablations for West Side Arrhythmia Patients


New UH cardiac electrophysiologist offers complex ablations for West Side arrhythmia patients

UH Clinical Update - July 2018

Dev Venugopal, MD, a new UH cardiac electrophysiologist specializing in complex ablation procedures, and employs the latest technological expertise to best serve his patients.

Dev Venugopal, MD Dev Venugopal, MD

Dr. Venugopal joined UH in the spring of 2018.  He comes to us from the University of Iowa where he was was Assistant Professor in the Cardiac Electrophysiology section.  Prior to this, Dr. Venugopal completed an advanced cardiac electrophysiology fellowship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, after his cardiac electrophysiology training at the University of Minnesota.

Here at UH, Dr. Venugopal is developing a comprehensive atrial fibrillation management and ablation program at UH St. John Medical Center.  He sees patients for evaluation and management of complex cardiac rhythm disorders at UH St. John Medical Center as well as UH Westlake Health Center.  Dr. Venugopal performs procedures both at UH St. John Medical Center and UH Cleveland Medical Center, where he is also engaged in resident and fellow education.

In addition to taking care of routine arrhythmias, Dr. Venugopal is able to take care of patients with more complex problems, including redo procedures.

“There have been many advances in the treatment of complex arrhythmias, and we now have interventional procedures available in addition to medications,” he says. “In addition to atrial arrhythmias, we also offer ablation for ventricular tachycardia including epicardial approaches to these ablations. We use multi-modality imaging including intracardiac ultrasound and computer mapping, in addition to a combination of various approaches to the arrhythmogenic areas.  Ectopic foci from structures like the papillary muscles, which are floating inside the cardiac chambers, can be challenging to map and ablate; we use a combination of different approaches to the chamber and both radiofrequency and cryoablative techniques to ablate these arrhythmias.“

As much as advanced technology plays a prominent role in Dr. Venugopal’s procedures, his approach to patients is refreshingly low-tech.  He brings no computer or tablet into the exam room, although he may be discussing complex data, and he encourages each patient he sees to have a simple conversation about their heart health.

“Really, I just have a conversation with the patient in a relaxed fashion,” he says.  “Otherwise, you can miss the big picture.  I want my patients to leave with a proper understanding their disease process and all the options available to them.  Quality of life is what we focus on – it is important to keep that in perspective, and make decisions together.”

For Dr. Venugopal, the UH commitment to bring expert care directly to the community is very appealing.

“Patients appreciate being able to receive first-class care near their home and family.  Primarily, I’m here to offer my expertise in providing complex ablation services on the West Side,” he says.

For more information about Dr. Venugopal or to refer a patient, please call 440-328-3460.