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Oncology Nurses Blend Science Art in Their Vital Roles


Serving in so many capacities: clinician, coach, confidante, caregiver

Cancer Update - June 2018

By Wendy Miano, DNP, RN, AOCN, NEA-BC
Director of Nursing, UH Seidman Cancer Center

UH Seidman Cancer Center nurses represent so many roles: Patient and Family Advocate, Coach, Teacher, Confidante, Researcher, Clinician, Mentor, and Trusted Professional.

During Oncology Nursing Month in May, we recognized the 400 RNs and APRNs across UH Seidman Cancer Center’s sites. As we celebrated both UH Cleveland Medical Center’s Nurses’ Week and Oncology Nursing Month, please accept our deepest gratitude for your character, stamina, integrity, resilience, patient and caregiver advocacy, evidence based practice, and compassion.

The theme for the 2018 Oncology Nursing Month, “Oncology Nurses: The Art of Care, the Science of Care,” described the essence of oncology nurses and UH’s vision regarding compassion and science. Patients and families constantly count on nurses to advocate and traverse the cancer journey, through outstanding clinical care, navigation, responsiveness and compassion. 

Attributes reflecting our 2018 UH SCC Clinical Nurse Excellence Award nominees are: Compassion, advocate, patient safety champion, consummate team player, acting to do what is right (and not always easy), encouraging colleagues to embrace change, sharing kindness, conscientious, innovator, clinical expert, mentor, preceptor, confidante. We fill these important roles for both patient and families, as well as colleagues. Let’s join together in celebrating these exceptional nurses. (Note winners in bold):

UH SCC Clinical Nurse Excellence Nominees – Ambulatory

Tracy Dalrymple, BSN, RN, OCN Robinson Pavilion, Advanced Clinical Nurse
Darlene Coletta, BSN, RN-BC Radiation Oncology, UH SCC
Dana Eaton, BSN, RN, OCN St. John SCC, Clinical Nurse, Recipient 
Elizabeth Puffenbarger, MSN, RN Robinson Pavilion, Advanced Clinical Nurse, Recipient 

Chris Reprogle, ADN, RN Sharon Center SCC, Nurse Coordinator
Shelby Varndell, RN Dahm’s & Coleman Clinical Research Unit 

UH SCC Clinical Nurse Excellence Nominees – Inpatient

Brittany Demaske, BSN, RN SCC 5, Clinical Nurse
Nick Donato, BSN, RN SCC 3, Clinical Nurse
Kathryn Leffler, BSN, RN SCC 6, Clinical Nurse
Carla Lyons, BSN, RN, CMSRN SCC Float Pool, Advanced Clinical Nurse
Jodi O’Neill, BSN, RN SCC Float Pool, Clinical Nurse
Rebecca Paridon. BSN, RN SCC 4, Clinical Nurse
Lauren Patterson, BSN, RN SCC 3, Clinical Nurse, Recipient
Amy Rupp, BSN, RN SCC 5, Clinical Nurse
Zaneta Juskowiak, BSN, RN SCC 4, Clinical Nurse

Faces of Care Awardee

Cathy Orovets, RN, BSN, OCN SCC Robinson Pavilion, Assistant Nurse Manager, Recipient
