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Neurological Institute Faculty Publications | March 2018 Edition 3


Neurological and Behavioral Outcomes Center

  1. Sajatovic M, Levin J, Ramirez L, et al. A 6-month prospective trial of a personalized behavioral intervention + long-acting injectable antipsychotic in individuals at risk for treatment non-adherence and homelessness. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2017 Dec 3:7(6):702-707.
  2. Kaddumukasa M, Kayima J, Nakibuuka J, Mugenyi L, Ddumba E, Blixen C, Welter E, Katabira E, Sajatovic M. A Cross-Sectional Population Survey on Stroke Knowledge and Attitudes in Greater Kampala, Uganda. Cogent Medicine. 4:1327129, 2017. doi: 10.1080/2331205X.2017.1327129.
  3. Blixen C, Nakibuuka J, Kaddumukasa M, Nalubwama H, Amollo M, Katabira E, Sajatovic M. Community perceptions of barriers to stroke recovery and prevention in greater Kampala, Uganda: Implications for policy and practice. International Journal of Healthcare. 3;8:8-19, 2017. DOI 10.5430/ijh.v3n2p8.
  4. Sajatovic M, Tatsuoka C, Welter E, Colon-Zimmerman K, Blixen C, Perzynski A, Cage J, Sams J, Moore SM, Pundik S, Sundararajan S, Modlin C, Sila C. A Targeted Self-management Approach for Reducing Stroke Risk Factors in African-American Men who had a Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. American Journal of Health Promotion. 1:890117117695218, 2017.
  5. Sajatovic M, Gunzler D, Kanuch S, Cassidy KA, Tatsuoka C, McCormick R, Blixen C, Perzynski A, Einstadter D, Thomas C, Lawless ME, Martin S, Falck-Ytter C, Seeholzer E, Dawson N. A 60-week Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Targeted Training in Illness Management vs. Treatment as Usual in Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Diabetes Mellitus. Psychiatric Services. 15:appips201600377, 2017. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201600377.

Brain Health and Memory Center

  1. Scherer RW, Drye L, Mintzer J, Lanctôt K, Rosenberg P, Herrmann N, Padala P, Brawman-Mintzer O, Burke W, Craft S, Lerner AJ, Levey A, Porsteinsson A, van Dyck CH; ADMET 2 Research Group. Trials. 2018 Jan 18;19(1):46.