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University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute to Create First-of-its-Kind Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center at UH Cleveland Medical Center


The UH Harrington HVI Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center will transform patient care and showcase UH as the home of the most innovative treatment options available today.

UH Clinical Update - December 2017

Multi-million dollar strategic collaborations with Medtronic and Siemens will change the way cardiovascular care is delivered at UH Cleveland Medical Center and in the world. The first-of-its-kind Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center will co-locate a robotically operated cardiac catheterization lab and operating room with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cardiac computed tomography (CT) scanners. This innovative care delivery system will be unlike any other, and will offer patients the most advanced, efficient and cost-effective cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment services available. 

Advanceded-Intervential-Cardiovascular-CenterUH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute chose to collaborate with Medtronic and Siemens, global leaders in medical device and imaging technologies, respectively, because they recognize and avow our vision and commitment to transform and define the future of medicine. “We want allies who share the same values and are best-in-class, to help us deliver the most advanced care to our patients,” says Marco Costa, MD, PhD, MBA, President of UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute.The relationship calls for Integrated Health Solutions, a Medtronic subsidiary, to continue their non-clinical management of the catheterization labs at UH Cleveland Medical Center, including the new Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center. Siemens will provide state-of-the-art imaging equipment (MRI and CT) for the center, along with the latest software and expertise to operate them.

Once completed in fall 2018, the Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center will enable UH physicians to offer better, safer, more affordable and customized care to our patients that is not possible elsewhere. Additional benefits are expected to be gained from the project, including opening new avenues for research to develop new treatments as well as attracting more collaborations and investments from medical device and pharmaceutical companies.

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute brings together renowned expert physicians and leading-edge technologies to offer patients the very latest in cardiovascular care,” says Dr. Costa. “The Advanced Interventional Cardiovascular Center is the next step toward providing patients the care they deserve.
