Research Support Core
Recruitment Support
Dedicated specialists available to help studies meet and exceed enrollment goals. Services may include:
- Study-specific recruitment consultations and assistance.
- Expertise in vulnerable populations, special populations, and difficult-to-enroll studies.
- Provide advertising and promotional campaign support through UH CRC Social Media platforms.
- Assist study teams with advertising through UH Social Media and UH Marketing.
- Community Engagement Events
- Recruitment Tables & Hubs
- Budget assistance for advertisements and promotional materials.
- Collaborate with outside organizations and vendors to bring in study opportunities to UH investigators
- Query UH EMR and systems for study feasibility and for generating identifiable potential subject lists for pre-screening logs and recruitment purposes.
- Provide subject referral services from potential subjects going through our UH Clinical Research Line and UH Research Volunteer Survey Database. Lists are sent regularly to departments with active studies.
Contact Heather Tribout, Manager, Research Support Core at or 216-286-0765, or submit a request below: