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Eye-Tracking Study for Bipolar Disorder

Attentional Biases, Reward Sensitivity, and Cognitive Control in Adults with Bipolar Disorder and Different Psychiatric Comorbidities: An Eye-Tracking Study


The overall goal of this study is to assess attentional biases, reward sensitivity, and cognitive control in patients with bipolar disorder with anxiety and/or substance use disorder comorbidity compared to matched controls who do not have any current comorbidities and to utilize this information to determine if eye-tracking technology has a realistic potential of aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder.


To participate in this study, you must: be 18 years of age or older; either 1) meet criteria for Bipolar I or II Disorder and are currently depressed or euthymic or 2) have no current or past neurological or psychiatric diagnoses; are not currently taking any steroids, stimulants, or opioid pain killers. Additional criteria will be assessed by a study doctor to determine your eligibility.

Principal Investigator

Keming Gao, MD

Research Coordinator

Nicole Woods, BA, 440-879-4167, mdp@UHhospitals.org