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Mood Disorder Research Program

Mood Disorder Research

The Mood Disorders Program is committed to providing expert care to adult patients and their families while conducting research to advance scientific knowledge. We are dedicated to improving clinical outcomes of under-served patients with mood disorders, particularly those presenting with rapid cycling bipolar disorder, co-occurring anxiety and substance misuse/abuse, legal complications, and Ohio Guard and Reserve members. The research we do in the Mood Disorders Program focuses not only on symptom improvement but also on function and disability to ultimately improve patient quality of life.

Our mission is to identify the causes of bipolar disorder and other mood disorders, to find effective treatment, and to discover a cure. Our research is patient-centered. This means we have designed our research studies to improve the lives of people who choose to participate in them. Our research focuses on function and disability, not just symptom improvement.

Why We Do What We Do

Ohio Army National Guard PTSD Study

The Ohio Army National Guard Mental Health Initiative (OHARNG-MHI) began in 2008 to evaluate the relationships between resilience and risk factors of developing PTSD and other mental illness. The study, led by Dr. Joseph Calabrese, recently completed its ninth and final year of data collection.

Contact Us For More Information

Mood Disorders Program Interventions and Services Research
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

10524 Euclid Ave., 12th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-5923

Phone: 440-922-6463
Email: mdp@UHhospitals.org