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Facial Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures

Surgical Expertise for Facial Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures

University Hospitals has a team of fellowship-trained surgeons who specialize in performing state-of-the-art facial plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. Their experience and expertise in these types of procedures ensures that patients achieve optimal cosmetic and functional outcomes.

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To schedule a consultation with a UH facial plastic surgeon, call 216-844-3223.

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Offering a Full Spectrum of Facial Procedures

The highly experienced facial plastic surgeons and dermatologists at University Hospitals have advanced training in all types of facial plastic surgical procedures for cosmetic, functional and reconstructive purposes.

UH Facial Paralysis Treatment Center

For patients with facial paralysis due to nerve damage or trauma, the UH Facial Paralysis Center offers advanced diagnostics and treatment. Our multidisciplinary team, led by Cyrus Rabbani, MD, Director of the Center, develops personalized plans of care for each patient, based on their unique symptoms and needs.

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