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Facial Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures

Facial Reconstruction after Skin Cancer or Burns

Skin cancer treatment and burn injuries can leave scars on the facial skin – often making it tight and uncomfortable in addition to being unsightly. The facial plastic surgeons at University Hospitals use a variety of techniques and treatments to minimize the appearance of scars and relieve the symptoms that often accompany excessive scarring.

Facial reconstruction after skin cancer

Unfortunately, many people develop skin cancer during their lifetime, which results from a combination of genetic predisposition, age and sun exposure. Dermatology colleagues often diagnose skin cancers and treatment involves a collaboration between surgeons who are able to remove the skin cancer and those who specialize in reconstruction of the skin defect.

Facial plastic surgeons have the unique skillset needed to reconstruct the area using a variety of techniques to minimize the appearance of scars and to reestablish as normal an appearance as possible. Patients will find that the scars from the skin reconstructive surgery typically continue to improve over the course of the year following the procedure. In addition, patients sometimes benefit from skin resurfacing techniques or injection with medications such as steroids to minimize the appearance of the scar.

Facial Treatments and Restoration after Burn Injuries

Facial burns can be disfiguring and a significant source of anxiety and embarrassment for the victims of burn injury. In addition, the scars that form following burn injuries can lead to tightening of certain areas, changes of the texture and quality of the skin, and facial asymmetries. Our facial plastic surgeons use a variety of techniques to treat burns in the immediate setting and to improve the appearance of burn injuries over the long-term.

Make an Appointment

Schedule a consultation with a UH facial plastic surgeon.
