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Frequently Asked Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery Questions

Orthopedic surgeon, Steven Fitzgerald, MD, discusses common questions patients ask before deciding on hip or knee replacement surgery. From how long the surgery takes to how long will my new joint last – Dr. Fitzgerald provides all the answers.

How long does hip or knee surgery last?

Will the operation be painful?

Will I walk the same day of my surgery?

What are the implants made of?

How long will I be in the hospital? Can I go directly home after surgery?

Will I have support at home to help me recover? When can I go up and down stairs?

What can I do after surgery?

When can I drive?

When can I shower?

When can I engage in sexual activities?

Will my new joint set off security alarms at check points?

How long will my joint last?

When can I return to work?

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UH accepts most major insurance plans. However, it is best to check with your health plan to confirm that University Hospitals is included. View accepted insurance plans.