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Breast Health

3-D Screening Mammography

Breast cancer cannot be prevented but early detection can keep the disease from spreading and greatly increase your odds for a favorable outcome. The advanced three-dimensional mammography at University Hospitals can help find cancer earlier than other conventional methods.

Schedule Your Mammogram Appointment Online

Use our convenient online scheduling tool to book your mammogram appointment today or call 440-692-3293.

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Screening Mammogram Recommendations

A baseline (first) mammogram is recommended for women when they reach the age of 40, regardless of their risk factors, followed by annual screening mammograms every year thereafter.

Patient-Centric Breast Screening Programs

To better serve our patients, we offer several innovative breast health programs at our breast health centers in select locations, including:

For more information or to take advantage of one of these programs, call 216-868-2833.

3-D Mammography Offered at All UH Breast Health Centers

What is 3-D Mammography (Tomosynthesis)?

University Hospitals was the first healthcare provider in Northeast Ohio to offer tomosynthesis, a new technologically advanced screening tool that uses three-dimensional imaging to detect breast cancer.

Tomosynthesis takes images of the breast from multiple angles to provide clearer, more detailed views and helps radiologists to pinpoint the size, shape and location of abnormalities.

Tomosynthesis was shown to improve the rate of cancer detection and reduce the number of unnecessary call-backs in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, June 2014. Experts believe that this method will soon become the gold standard in breast cancer screening and detection. Tomosynthesis is offered at multiple UH breast health centers across the region.

Offering Quality Diagnostic Mammograms at Accredited Breast Health Centers

UH Breast Health Centers are recognized by the American College of Radiology for meeting extensive accreditation requirements and promoting excellent practice standards. Each breast health center has also received the Breast Imaging Center of Excellence award and holds NAPBC accreditation. The breast imaging teams and specially trained radiologists at each center work exclusively with patients undergoing screening or diagnostic mammograms.

UH Breast Health Center NAPBC Locations

Patient Stories

Alison’s Story

A smiling Alison Berger poses with her happy family in an autumnal setting

Buoyed by a strong support team and seamless care, teacher Alison Berger returns to her classroom after breast cancer treatment.

Bernadette’s Story

Bernadette Scruggs was featured in “From Breast Cancer to Broadway” at the Cleveland Playhouse

An urgent reminder not to miss annual mammograms from a 15-year breast cancer survivor.

Renee’s Story

Renee Bonner discusses her treatment for breast cancer

Through all those years during which Renee Bonner underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to treat her metastatic disease, something important happened: She lived her life.

Schedule a Mammogram Today

Use our convenient online scheduling tool to book your mammogram appointment today or call 440-692-3293.