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Heart Surgery Support Groups

CT Group for Transplant Patients and Caregivers

University Hospitals is pleased to host a group experience called the Cardiothoracic (CT) Group for heart and lung transplant patients. If you are living with a severe heart or lung condition, the CT Group can provide you with the opportunity to meet other patients and caregivers in a structured setting so you can receive transplant specific education and support for all phases of care, including pre-transplant, transplant surgery and post-transplant. Participant requests typically guide what is covered during sessions, with a focus on topics such as medication management, nutritional planning, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, and emotional wellness. For more information, call 216-844-3800.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Survivor Support Group

When patients are at home recovering from a serious condition, they may suffer from Post ICU Syndrome, making it difficult for them to pick up where they left off as a spouse, parent, friend, employee or individual. They may face problems with clear thinking, lingering weakness, anxiety or depression.

University Hospitals is pleased to host an ICU Survivor Support Group. This unique group offers those struggling with Post ICU Syndrome the chance to share their experience and meet others who understand the challenges of recovery. By attending group meetings, participants find inspiration throughout the recovery process. For more information, call 216-844-5096 or email ICUsurvivorsgroup@UHhospitals.org.

Mended Hearts

For more than 60 years, a nonprofit organization called Mended Hearts has been providing support and inspiring hope in our patients with heart disease. Through Mended Hearts of Greater Cleveland, University Hospitals brings together patients, families and caregivers to learn how to live a healthy, fulfilling life after a heart event. If you or a loved one are facing a heart condition, Mended Hearts gives you the opportunity to speak with someone who has been in your shoes and enables strong relationship development with a network of caring individuals. For more information, visit mendedhearts.org.

Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Support Group

Rather than replacing the heart, or used as a bridge to heart transplantation, a ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical pump implanted in a patient’s chest to help the heart pump blood. Understanding the unique challenges of living with a VAD, University Hospitals is pleased to offer a VAD Support Group for recipients and caregivers. For more information, call 216-250-9638.

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