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Heart Surgery

Renowned Heart Surgery Program with Excellent Patient Outcomes

The Heart Surgery Center of University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute provides the highest level of care available to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the heart, heart valves, coronary arteries, carotid arteries, aorta and great vessels. Our heart surgery program, based at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, in Cleveland, Ohio, is consistently ranked in the top 1 percent of hospitals nationally.

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with one of our cardiac surgeons, call 216-541-1756.

Find a Cardiac Surgeon

One of our country’s fastest growing cardiac surgery programs

heart surgery locations expanding patient access to advanced expertise across the region

A leader in cardiac surgery specific clinical trials, offering patients the latest treatment options available

Video: Inside Surgery with Heart Surgeon, Marc Pelletier, MD
Watch now: Watch as Marc Pelletier, MD explains what happens in preparation for heart surgery.

Facing heart surgery can be overwhelming for many patients and their families. Our surgeons take time to personally meet with each patient before their procedure to answer any questions or concerns. We emphasize doing the right procedure for the patient at the right time, making the care the patient receives specific to his or her needs.

Our nationally recognized surgeons also collaborate on each patient’s case, combining traditional procedures with the latest advances in medicine and surgery to customize treatment of even the most complex heart condition.

Frequently Asked Heart Surgery Questions

If a vein is taken from a leg for heart surgery, what replaces it?

What is a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)?

What is the success rate of a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)?

Why can’t my arteries be fixed with a stent or a balloon?

Why not unblock the blockages of the heart?

Will I need an on-pump or off-pump heart surgery procedure?

Do I need open heart surgery or can it be done minimally invasively?

Does coronary bypass surgery ever need to be redone?

What are the risks of open heart surgery?

What will happen if I delay or postpone open heart surgery?

When can I resume normal activities after heart surgery?

Can a heart valve be repaired instead of replaced?

How long does a heart valve replacement last?

I need a new heart valve. What kind should I get?

Patient Stories

Make an Appointment

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with one of our heart surgeons, call 440-496-1166.

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