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Diabetes Services

Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus (PTDM)

Sometimes, people who have not previously had diabetes develop the condition following an organ transplant. This type of diabetes is called Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus (PTDM) or new-onset diabetes (NODAT)). A common reason PTDM occurs after an organ transplant is as a side effect of taking anti-rejection medicines (called immunosuppressants), which are taken to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted organ.

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To schedule a consult with a diabetes and obesity specialist, please call 216-493-9016.

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PTDM can affect recipients of most any transplanted solid organ, including the kidneys, heart, lungs and liver. In particular, this condition is a common, complex complication of kidney transplantation.

The experts at University Hospitals Diabetes & Obesity Center have extensive knowledge and expertise in optimizing glycemia (blood sugar levels) and outcomes of post-transplant individuals with diabetes.

University Hospitals Diabetes and Metabolic Care Center: Expert Management of Diabetes & Related Disorders

Led by an experienced team of clinicians and scientists, the University Hospitals Diabetes and Metabolic Care Center provides ongoing care, management, and education for diabetes, obesity and related conditions. Our talented team of compassionate specialists includes endocrinologists, diabetes care and education specialists, weight loss specialists, nurse practitioners and specialty pharmacists.

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Make An Appointment

To schedule a consult with a diabetes specialist, please call 216-435-1071.