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Signet Ring Cell Cancer

Diagnosis and Treatment of Signet Ring Cell Cancer

We help all of our cancer patients through each step of care, providing a compassionate approach that puts quality of life at the forefront of our care decisions. Our expert oncologists and surgeons offer the most advanced combination of treatment options in order to obtain the best possible outcomes.

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Diagnosis of Signet Ring Cell Cancer

Signet ring cell cancer is usually diagnosed at the time of the surgical removal of the tumor if the disease is localized. If the cancer has spread to other organs (metastasized), we obtain a biopsy to make the diagnosis. For example, we may take a biopsy of lesions of the liver or other organs within the peritoneum in order to obtain the diagnosis.

Most patients we treat for signet ring cell cancer have already had a diagnosis through surgical resection or biopsy prior to scheduling an appointment with us. For the majority of these patients, the signet ring cell carcinoma has already spread outside the colon.

Treatment of Signet Ring Cell Cancer

We utilize a multidisciplinary team approach while creating personalized treatment plans for each patient. After reviewing a patient’s imaging reports, we conduct surgery as soon as possible for those patients who are eligible. Post-surgical treatment will depend on the stage and spread of the cancer:

  • If the cancer has spread outside the peritoneum, we’ll typically use systemic chemotherapy, which is the administration of anti-cancer drugs into the bloodstream in such a manner where the medication travels to all parts of the body.
  • If the cancer has spread into but not outside of the peritoneum, we’ll often use a procedure called Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC), which is the injection of chemotherapy medication directly into the peritoneum.
  • In certain scenarios, we will administer radiation therapy, which utilizes high-energy particles or waves such as X-rays, gamma rays, electron beams or protons to destroy or damage cancer cells.
  • In other cases, we may use immunotherapy, which is a biological therapy that utilizes the patient’s own immune system to target and attack cancer cells.
    • About four percent of colorectal cancer patients are eligible for immunotherapy. But with signet ring cell cancer, the percentage of patients eligible for immunotherapy tends to be higher.

Treatment of Signet Ring Cell Cancer

We utilize a multidisciplinary team approach while creating personalized treatment plans for each patient. After reviewing a patient’s imaging reports, we conduct surgery as soon as possible for those patients who are eligible. Post-surgical treatment will depend on the stage and spread of the cancer:

  • If the cancer has spread outside the peritoneum, we’ll typically use systemic chemotherapy, which is the administration of anti-cancer drugs into the bloodstream in such a manner where the medication travels to all parts of the body.
  • If the cancer has spread into but not outside of the peritoneum, we’ll often use a procedure called Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC), which is the injection of chemotherapy medication directly into the peritoneum.
  • In certain scenarios, we will administer radiation therapy, which utilizes high-energy particles or waves such as X-rays, gamma rays, electron beams or protons to destroy or damage cancer cells.
  • In other cases, we may use immunotherapy, which is a biological therapy that utilizes the patient’s own immune system to target and attack cancer cells.
    • About four percent of colorectal cancer patients are eligible for immunotherapy. But with signet ring cell cancer, the percentage of patients eligible for immunotherapy tends to be higher.

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