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Research Training

As researchers, our fellows will conduct original research, including health services to advance the scientific state-of-the-art research in developmental-behavioral pediatrics, and collaborate with other professionals to develop research. They will be trained to develop research programs that extend the scientific base of developmental-behavioral pediatrics concerning problems of primary relevance to public health. The Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship ensures a meaningful supervised research experience for fellows that extends throughout their training. Areas of research interest are identified through exposure to clinical and community settings, and visits with faculty who have active research interests and developed databases. A research project is developed with the help of the Program Director and the Research Director. In conjunction with a chosen research mentor and a Scholarship Oversight Committee, fellows will develop a proposal, collect, analyze and review data, and develop a manuscript with the eventual submission for publication. Educational opportunities to improve research skills exist throughout University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Case Western Reserve University. In addition, our fellows all attend the Clinical Research Scholars Program (CRSP) through Case Western Reserve University, which is a month-long research course that occurs at the beginning of fellowship. Quarterly division seminars are also devoted to rotating research topics.