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Didactic Training

In addition to the hands on learning centered in clinical experiences, we offer structured didactic courses, seminars, and conferences that address core knowledge areas in developmental-behavioral pediatrics. The knowledge gained from these learning activities provide an excellent and broad preparation base. In addition, fellows take a month-long introductory course in clinical research and study design offered through the medical school. Other didactic activities include:

  • Fellows’ Seminar (weekly)
  • Schubert Center for Child Studies Lectures on research, policy, and practice (monthly)
  • Pediatric Grand Rounds (weekly)
  • Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds (weekly)
  • Genetics Grand Rounds (weekly)

Throughout their training, fellows are encouraged to attend academic conferences and do receive some financial support through the division and the department to do so. They routinely attend the SDBP annual conference and training in the ADOS. In recent years, our fellows have attended a variety national meetings and conferences including PAS, APPD, Pediatric Sleep Medicine, Spectrum of Developmental Disabilities, AAP DBPrep, and AACAP Pediatric Psychopharmacology. In addition, fellows regularly attend local and regional meetings including the Milestones Autism Conference.