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Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgical Oncology

We work closely with specialists in Pediatric Hematology & Oncology in the Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute, radiology, cellular transplant therapeutic services and other areas to provide pediatric cancer patients with the most comprehensive surgical care available. Backed by the latest advances in surgical technology and ongoing research conducted by our academic partner, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, the talented and compassionate surgeons at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital improve the outcomes of childhood cancer patients every day.

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Unrivalled Expertise and Nationally Ranked Outcomes in Pediatric Oncological Surgery

Leaders in their fields, the pediatric surgeons at UH Rainbow offer a powerful combination of highly specialized expertise that reaches across a broad spectrum of clinical care. Together with our multidisciplinary medical, nursing and child life specialist staff, our team delivers a comprehensive and supportive experience to children and teens with cancer and their families when surgery is needed.

The dedicated team of experts at UH Rainbow’s Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute offer designated centers to enable young people to access the best surgical and medical care available.

Conditions Treated

We perform biopsies and the removal of various types of solid malignant and benign tumors, including:

Multidisciplinary Care

Treatment of childhood cancer is often complex and requires collaboration among pediatric specialists across multiple disciplines. To optimize patient outcomes, our pediatric surgical team works closely with fellowship-trained, board-certified pediatric physicians, experts and other specialists, including: