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Pediatric Surgery

Slipping Rib Syndrome

The pediatric surgeons at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s help improve quality of life for children and teens suffering from slipping rib syndrome – an often-missed diagnosis that can cause pain in the chest and back.

Your child’s health is important. Don’t delay care.

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What is Slipping Rib Syndrome?

Slipping rib syndrome occurs when a person’s lower rib moves around abnormally. The ribcage is made up of 12 pairs of matching bones. The upper “true” ribs attach to the sternum, while the lower floating ribs – or “false” ribs – are stabilized by small pieces of cartilage that attach them to each other. When a piece of cartilage is not attached properly, it can cause the ribs to shift or slip under the one above it, irritating the intercostal nerves and in turn causing pain at the edge of the ribcage that may radiate in that area and to the back.

What are the Symptoms of Slipping Rib Syndrome?

A person with slipping rib syndrome may experience:

  • Severe pain in the lower chest, upper abdomen or back that may worsen when eating, coughing or exercising
  • A popping or clicking sensation when twisting or bending forward
  • Pain that comes and goes or worsens when pressure is applied to the affected area

Some people may have slipping rib syndrome for years but never experience symptoms. Symptoms may begin after an injury or fall effecting the chest area, or rapid twisting or lifting motions that may occur when exercising or playing sports.

How is Slipping Rib Syndrome Diagnosed?

Slipping rib syndrome is often missed as a diagnosis because many doctors are unaware of the condition, and the symptoms may be mistaken for a gastrointestinal issue or some other source of pain. It also can be hard to spot on diagnostic imaging scans.

To diagnose, your doctor will begin by asking questions about the pain – when it is located, when it started and what makes it worse or better. They will likely perform a physician examination of the ribs and may order imaging tests such as X-ray, ultrasound or blood tests to rule out other conditions.

Slipping Rib Syndrome Surgical Treatment

The traditional surgical repair for slipping rib syndrome involves removing the piece of cartilage from the affected rib. However, this technique may cause further issues down the road if the tip of the rib continues to push under the one above it. Another repair procedure uses rib plating techniques, which fixes the ribs to each other with screws and plates.

As an alternative to these two techniques, the pediatric surgeons at UH Rainbow Babies & Children can use a simple suture technique that can provide a long-term repair for the slipping rib. With this repair, the surgeon uses a permanent suture to attach the lower rib to the upper rib to stabilize it.

This procedure can often be done on an outpatient basis with patients able to return home the same day. The recovery period is also relatively short. Patients may need to refrain from certain activities for about six weeks and then can resume their normal active lives.

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