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Pediatric Surgery

Neonatal Surgery

Neonatal surgery covers the surgical care of newborns, especially critically ill or premature newborns. Our neonatal surgeons provide the highly specialized level care needed to obtain successful outcomes in surgery to correct defects and anomalies, including procedures to repair chest, abdominal and urological defects, for our smallest, most precious patients. In caring for newborns in the first 28 days after birth, we work closely University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s obstetricians, maternal fetal medicine specialists and neonatologists, supporting the care of newborns in one of the top-ranked NICUs in the country.

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, call 216-844-5437.

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Conditions Treated

Among the many conditions for which we provide neonatal surgical intervention are the following:

Prenatal Diagnosis & Counseling

The first stage of neonatal care often begins before a baby is born, particularly in the case of high-risk pregnancies. As part of our full spectrum of fetal diagnosis and treatment services, we meet with expecting families to counsel them about any defects or conditions that are discovered during prenatal screening. During prenatal counseling, we explain to parents their unborn child’s health condition and discuss the care the baby is likely to need. Prenatal counseling helps parents prepare for the child’s birth while make informed decisions about their health. In some cases, surgical action can be taken while infants are still in the womb to optimize success in correcting the problem.