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Well-Rounded Care for Sports Injury Prevention and Treatment

With our systemwide approach to care, our team of pediatric sports medicine specialists at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s provide comprehensive treatment options and a full range of sports medicine services for our young patients. We collaborate with experts across many medical disciplines, including nutrition counseling, physical therapy, sports psychology and more, for the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries and conditions.

We are passionate about helping our patients avoid sports injuries altogether through performance training, athletic conditioning and education. When an injury does occur, we offer advanced diagnostic capabilities for fast and accurate diagnosis. Our sports medicine experts then work with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan based on scientific guidelines and proven best practices. From diagnosis through sports rehabilitation, young athletes are in capable and caring hands at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s.

Optimal Performance Training and Conditioning for Sports

Our team of athletic trainers, pediatric physical therapists and sports medicine physicians works together to help children and teens play at the top of their game –for any sport. We also work closely with coaches and parents to ensure our training and conditioning programs are clearly communicated and closely followed. We tailor our programs to meet the patient’s age, skill level and specific sport.

To optimize performance, we offer the following programs:

  • Performance training
  • Sports injury prevention and safe return to play protocols
  • Sports readiness
  • Strength training
  • Conditioning for sports
  • Nutritional analysis and nutrition counseling

As an academic medical center, our pediatric sports medicine doctors are always knowledgeable of the latest research and discoveries in sports medicine. All of our exercises and programs are based on these findings and scientific guidelines.

Highly Effective Treatment with Advanced Techniques

In the case of a sports injury, our pediatric sports medicine physicians have the expertise to avoid long-term effects. Because young athletes are still growing, it’s very important to keep future function in mind. Every care team member involved in your child’s treatment, from radiology to rehabilitation, has been trained in pediatric sports medicine care and optimal long-term success.

We use the most advanced diagnostic testing and imaging to gain a clear picture of the sports injury and determine the best course of treatment. Whenever possible, we use non-surgical treatment options, including:

  • Medication to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Restricted motion to allow injured tissues to rest
  • Splinting/casting to immobilize the injured part of the body
  • Traction to stretch muscles and tendons
  • Ultrasound to increase blood flow and relax spasms
  • Use of walking crutches/crutches or a wheelchair

When surgery is necessary, our pediatric orthopaedic surgeons offer a full spectrum of the newest, most advanced surgical techniques. We perform endoscopic and arthroscopic surgery procedures, which use much smaller incisions than conventional surgeries. This results in reduced risk, less blood loss and faster recovery than a traditional operation.Other advanced techniques include:

  • Transarticular drilling to create channels for revascularization and healing
  • Antegrade debridement for the removal of damaged tissue
  • Retrograde grafting and stabilization for marrow stimulation
  • Cartilage transplants to replace defective cartilage

Personalized Sports Physical Therapy

We understand that youth sports are competitive, and they are an important part of life for the players and their families. Our team of pediatric physical therapists works with young athletes to improve performance and optimize recovery so they can play at their best. We work with patients to:

  • Restore movement
  • Improve flexibility
  • Correct misalignments
  • Expand range of motion
  • Increase endurance

Many sports injuries require outpatient physical therapy to restore strength to the injured part of the body, usually through special exercises and stretches. We offer a comprehensive range of sports rehabilitation services to improve recovery times and help kids get back to doing what they love. We’ve brought the most technologically advanced rehabilitation and exercise equipment to northern Ohio, and our pediatric sports medicine specialists are among the best in the nation.