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Pediatric Sports Medicine Patient Stories

Showing    of 6 results

Carson Jackson pitching on the mound

High School Pitcher Rebounds after Scoliosis Diagnosis

At age 16, baseball player Carson Jackson was diagnosed with scoliosis. After an innovative surgical procedure at UH Rainbow corrected the curve in his spine, Carson is back in the game.

Grace Sheets pauses on the slopes

Young Skier Is Stronger Than Ever After Knee Surgery

Grace was 12 years old when she suffered a complete tear of her right anterior cruciate ligament – the band of tissue that connects the thighbone to the shinbone at the knee. After surgery to reconstruct her ACL, this skier is stronger than ever.

Kallen Zarembski on the ice

UH Athletic Trainer Identifies Rare Condition in Teen Hockey Player

When 17-year-old Kallen Zarembski noticed his swollen arm, he assumed it was a forgotten hockey injury, but behind the swelling was a rare and life-threatening condition called Paget Schroetter Syndrome.

Kaylonna Robinson

How Strength Training Propelled One Teen to Fast Recovery

Kaylonna’s basketball season ended abruptly when she severely dislocated her knee, tearing a major ligament and damaging the cartilage. The 16-year-old had suffered dislocations before, but never as devastating.

Emilee practices in the dance studio

An Incredible Journey

For those who see Emilee Starling today as she competes in national dance contests, it might be hard to believe she had major spine surgery at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

University Hospitals

UH Sports Medicine Program Keeps Three Young Athletes Healthy and Active

Sherry has three talented daughters who participate in high-level athletic activities, so it was no surprise that she would eventually need the help of the great sports medicine program at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

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