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Concussion Fact Sheet

Children and adolescents are far more vulnerable to concussions than adults, requiring the specialized care of a pediatric physician. While most concussions heal within two weeks, many children will have concussion symptoms that last significantly longer. Early and correct diagnosis of a concussion by a pediatric sports medicine specialist is key for a successful recovery.

Concussion Warning Signs

It is not always easy to know if someone has a concussion. Symptoms of a concussion range from mild to severe and can last for hours, days, weeks or even months. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Not being able to remember what happened after the injury
  • Acting confused, asking the same question over and over, slurring words or not being able to concentrate
  • Feeling lightheaded, seeing “stars,” having blurred vision or experiencing ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Not being able to stand or walk; or having coordination and balance problems
  • Feeling nauseous or throwing up
  • Passing out

If your child experiences any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. A sports medicine professional will be able to decide when it is safe to return to sports. It is never safe for a child to return to sports the same day if a concussion is suspected.

Preseason Baseline Assessments

Our neuropsychologists offer preseason baseline assessments to athletes throughout Northeast Ohio to ensure that no student athlete returns to their sport before they are ready. This combination of a written questionnaire and computerized test measures a number of basic cognitive functions and is given before the season starts. If an athlete should suffer a concussion during the season, they are given a second test and the results are compared to the original test to gauge whether or not brain functions have returned to their preseason level.

Baseline assessments are available to schools, club sports, teams and individuals.