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A Pediatric Sports Medicine Research Enterprise

Our pediatric sports medicine specialists at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s is focused on research in sports medicine and discovery through clinical trials and medical research to enhance outcomes for children. In fact, UH pediatric orthopaedic surgeons have developed new therapies and techniques for more than 100 years. Our pediatric sports medicine program is an active participant in this historic research enterprise,and we are passionate about advancing medical care for young athletes.

Extensive Concussion Research for Young People

Concussions are quite common in youth sports. Yet even with a high volume of incidents, there is still a lot to learn – from concussion diagnosis to understanding the long-term effects. Together with Case Western School of Medicine,we have developed new concussion protocols for diagnosis and treatment. Through our concussion research, we’ve established normative data in the pediatric and college-age ranges for baseline testing. These vital markers help us identify and diagnose concussions in young people.

Our physician-scientists also study the effects of concussions after the patient returns to school. This neuro-cognitive research helps our care team improve concussion treatment by taking a more holistic approach to recovery.

Injury Prevention Research & Protocols

In addition to concussion research, our sports medicine physicians regularly study injury prevention and sports rehabilitation techniques. Our patients benefit from the latest sports medicine research and may be able to participate in clinical trials that offer innovative solutions.