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Pediatric Orthopedics Patient Stories

Showing    of 6 results

Carson Jackson pitching on the mound

High School Pitcher Rebounds after Scoliosis Diagnosis

At age 16, baseball player Carson Jackson was diagnosed with scoliosis. After an innovative surgical procedure at UH Rainbow corrected the curve in his spine, Carson is back in the game.

A montage of Sawyer, with her cast and without

Early Diagnosis of Girl’s Hip Dysplasia Is Key To Treatment Success

When Sawyer started to walk, her mother noticed a slight limp in her step. An X-ray revealed Sawyer had developmental dysplasia of the hip, a condition in which the ball part of the hip joint is partially or completely out of the socket.

Dr. Michael Glotzbecker and Tony Stabile

Rebuilt Spine Gives Teen Confidence

Tony gained confidence (and three inches in height!) after undergoing an intense, 12-hour surgery to correct his forward and sideways spinal curvatures.

Trey Clark as an infant with his NICU nurse and today with Lynn Woo, MD.

This 8-Year-Old Doesn't Allow His Diagnosis To Define Him

William “Trey” Clark had more intense medical procedures in his first week of life than many do in a lifetime, so this fun-loving 8-year-old doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

Andrew discusses his knee problem and how it was treated at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s

One in a Million

Even though 11-year-old Andrew’s knee problem is extremely rare, the experts at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital were quick to discover what was wrong.

Emilee practices in the dance studio

An Incredible Journey

For those who see Emilee Starling today as she competes in national dance contests, it might be hard to believe she had major spine surgery at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

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