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Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient Stories

This 8-Year-Old Doesn't Allow His Diagnosis To Define Him

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children'sExperts in Children's Health
Trey Clark as an infant with his NICU nurse and today with Lynn Woo, MD.;
At left, a UH Rainbow NICU nurse holds Trey while he wears a brace that helped to strengthen his muscles and ligaments while his hip was developing. At right, Lynn Woo, MD, and Trey are all smiles behind the masks during his latest check-up.

William “Trey” Clark had more intense medical procedures in his first week of life than many do in a lifetime. Born with spina bifida,Trey needed a surgical procedure called a myelomeningocele repair, followed by a ventriculoperitoneal shunt to take the fluid off his brain. It is no wonder this fun-loving 8-year-old doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

“He has never let his diagnosis define him or hold him back,” says Teresa Clark, Trey’s proud mom. “He is the first person to offer an encouraging word to his siblings.”

She says most days Trey can be found dancing – his favorite is Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean” – or playing video games. He loves to read and watch WWE. His favorite athlete is the Undertaker.

Like many kids with spina bifida, Trey sees multiple pediatric specialists. At UH Rainbow, it’s a multidisciplinary team approach to care, called the Myelo Clinic, where Trey sees all his caregivers at the same location on the same day. This dynamic has worked well for Trey.

“All the doctors know him. He shares different inside jokes with the staff. We really feel a part of the Rainbow family,” Teresa says.

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The Myelo Clinic at UH Rainbow offers comprehensive care for infants, children and young adults with spina bifida and other neural tube defects. After an individualized care plan is developed, the Myelo Clinic team – pediatric developmental & behavioral specialists, neuropsychology, neurosurgery, GI, orthopedics, urology and genetics – coordinates all tests, procedures, and appointments. Learn more about the Myelo Clinic at UH Rainbow.
