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Muscle Tone for Children with Spasticity

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery maintains a multidisciplinary Spasticity Program to treat muscle tone disorders including cerebral palsy, spasticity and dystonia.

Our comprehensive program integrates medical, therapeutic and surgical treatments. Our team devises a personalized care plan for each individual based on the detailed results of his or her patient evaluation. In addition to pediatric neurosurgeons, team members include pediatric neurology and orthopaedic specialists, as well as physical and occupational therapists.

Leading the Way in Surgical Excellence

Our spasticity program is one of only a few programs in Northeast Ohio to offer an advanced, minimally invasive technique for selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). The procedure involves cutting nerve roots as they exit the spinal cord. It effectively reduces the nerve activity that causes increased muscle tone.

Our team is experienced in using an intrathecal baclofen pump to assist children with cerebral palsy or other movement disorders. This surgically implanted pump delivers medicine directly into the spinal fluid and helps to minimize any potential side effects that may occur with oral delivery of the same medication.

In partnership with the Movement Disorders Center at University Hospitals Neurological Institute, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital offers deep brain stimulation (DBS) for children and teens with primary dystonia due to a genetic mutation.