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Ketogenic Diet Instructions for Hospitalization

  1. Admission is on Monday unless special arrangements are made.
  2. If possible, omit sugars and sugary beverages the weekend prior to admission.
  3. Unless otherwise instructed by the dietitian or nurse, your child should not be fed after 6 p.m. the night before admission or the morning of admission.
  4. You must encourage your child to drink water or diet beverages to prevent dehydration. Bring water or diet beverages with you in case admission is delayed.
  5. Medications should be given at their usual times. Give medications with water or diet beverages only. If your child normally uses applesauce, yogurt or other soft food to take medications, try giving them with heavy cream or butter. If that fails, administer medications with the usual food used.
    It is very important that medications are given at their usual time.
  6. Bring all your child’s medications with you to the hospital.
  7. Bring any special bottles, cups or eating utensils your child uses.

Your child’s health is important. Get expert care.

To schedule an appointment with a UH Rainbow pediatric epileptologist, call 216-286-6644.